Industrial water filtration is one of the most commonly used water treatment and purification technologies (as far as it can be listed here) and is found in most industries as there is almost no plant or factory unit without at least one water filtration equipment. It doesn’t matter if it is mains water, well water or cooling water.
The nature and type of the water filter are selected based on the suspended solids content of the incoming or used water and what we want to achieve with the water filter. Furthermore, water filters are further distinguished by the gap size or filtration efficiency of a given water filter, which is usually measured in microns. A water filter or filter device that produces better water quality than 1 micron is already called ultrafiltration or nanofiltration.
BlueSoft filter devices:
Activated carbon filter equipment
The activated carbon filter equipment can be an insert filter, but in the industry in general, similar to the above multimedia gravel filter, a tank solution is used. There can also be big differences between activated carbon charges, with the common feature that we don’t usually do mechanical filtration here, but absorption. The filter charge of this type of filter equipment is sooner or later depleted, which cannot be regenerated on site. The filter cartridge must be replaced before the discharged activated carbon can be used again.
Multimedia gravel filtering device
this filtering device can be used in many applications where a lot of contaminants have to be filtered in a large volume flow, which can be e.g. simple mechanical filtration of the well or removal of iron and manganese flakes after oxidation, etc. In this case, the multimedia gravel layer is filled into a filter tank and then the dirt is removed from the filter during backwashing using various valve or block head control methods.
Iron removal equipment
Iron removal is the second most commonly used water treatment and purification task after water softening. It is characteristic of Hungary that the stratified waters in the soil contain a significant amount of iron. We are usually confronted with a high iron content in the water when the water analysis is completed after well drilling, or when water discoloration and deposits are noticed on the surfaces in contact with the water. And at higher concentrations, it even gives the water an unpleasant metallic taste. Waterworks and all facilities that are required to have drinking water quality must comply with the drinking water quality required by the current regulation (you can read about this in the information menu). This does not mean that we get or need to produce “iron-free” water. Regardless, however, there are technologies and applications that require almost complete iron removal, regardless of the regulation.
Manganese removal equipment
Manganese removal is a water treatment and purification task that many associate with iron removal as iron and manganese removal equipment, but this is not always the case. It is true that in most cases, when ironing, manganese removal is also required, but due to the composition of the water and other chemical bonding of elemental manganese, this task cannot be solved with a “simple” iron removal equipment.
Ammonia removal equipment
Ammonia or ammonium in water is typical of groundwater. Under the current Drinking Water Quality Regulation, the limit value for ammonia must not exceed 0.5 mg / l in water. If it is higher, it must be removed or reduced below the limit. Ammonia itself actually has no particular physiological effect, as evidenced by the fact that in many mineral waters ammonia is found above the drinking water regulation, which is officially allowed. In fact, the only reason that ammonia in drinking water cannot be high is that the microbiological purity of the water network cannot be guaranteed, so the bacteria present here can “react” with ammonia to cause nitrification. The first step in the nitrification process is the formation of nitrite, which in turn is already toxic.
Arsenic removal equipment
Arsenic removal is a relatively new water treatment problem in Hungary, as significant legal tightening has taken place as a result of EU accession. The permissible arsenic content in drinking water was reduced to 10µgr instead of 50µgr. As a result, the drinking water of hundreds of settlements has been placed in the “inadequate” category, ie arsenic removal is required for these waters. The right word, instead of arsenic removal, is to reduce arsenic, since completely removing arsenic from water is an almost impossible task, but it is not necessary.
Boron removal equipment
Boron is present in wells drilled in Hungary, ie in groundwater, and belongs to the family of borates. Hungary does not really have a high boron content in the waters, it is more present in higher concentrations in South America and seawater, but due to the toxic effect of boric acid, the current drinking water regulation prescribes a relatively low limit value, which according to the rules is now 1mg / l. If the value is higher than this, a boron removal device is used. In the past, this was a very expensive process, as only boron could be removed by distillation as well as RO equipment, but now resin and ion exchange charges are also available for this task.
Nitrate removal equipment
In Hungary, nitrate can occur in wells drilled, ie in groundwater. Nitrate is the result of an underground chemical process, especially in places where ammonium leaks from rocks. Nitrate alone is not so much, but rather its reaction products can be harmful to health, e.g. nitrite compounds. The high content of nitrate is not so typical, and the limit value prescribed in the current drinking water regulation also allows for a relatively high value of 50 mg / l, but higher values may also occur. In this case, nitrate removal should be used. The nitrate removal device selectively binds the nitrate content of the water, i.e. it reduces it below the limit value.